We just got back from our first Champs Atlantic City trade show. We met some fantastic people and made some connections with some great vendors.
- Diesel Glass Inc.
- Home Blown Glass (HBG)
- NY Glass Company
- OTG Glass Blowers
- Monkey Os
- Inspiration Is Key
Diesel Glass Inc.
Diesel Glass Inc. is in Connecticut for the first time and they’re in
Bohemian High. They call Florida home and offer, hand-blown, high-quality glass pipes. Diesel Glass focuses on providing hand-blown, high quality glass pipes, convenient customer service and supporting the glass blowing community with education and inspiration.
Diesel Glass is a family of local craftsman, believing in teamwork and attention to detail, creating premium smoke ware products. Taking local inspiration from their community and infusing it into the way they design, create and work. With innovation and creativity, Diesel Glass makes glass products specifically designed to enhance the smoke experience.
Some other images from Atlantic City: