Artists, Crafters, Vendors…

We have a lot going on here at The Grove and Bohemian High for people that create things and want to sell them

We have a lot going on here at The Grove and Bohemian High for people that create things and want to sell them

  • Sunday Indoor Bazaar – During the summer, when the Devon Farmers Market is open, The Grove has invited you to be apart of the indoor bazaar. We have space for at least six vendors to “hock their wares”. Click here if you are interested.
  • Artist Wall Display – In our event space we have six 4 foot by 8 foot spaces to hang wall art. The concept is this: We arrange a time for you to come in and arrange your art with prices in your area of the event space. We leave the art hanging for a month. During that time we work together and organize an OPENING NIGHT for you to invite your friends, families, and other guests to view and hopefully purchase your work. The grove takes 18% (10% for The Grove, 6.35% for state tax and 1.65% to the cc companies) and you get the rest. You can also have a closing night if you’d like.
  • Training, Workshops and Classes – If you are good at what you do and want to pass the knowledge on, we will work with you and help you create a way to teach what you do. We do it with painters every month.
  • Festival Vending – Bohemian High has a festival every year and has space for 12 vendors to participate in the festivities.
  • Not Consignment – Bohemian High does not do consignment, BUT, if you schedule an appointment (203-301-4097), we will look at your items and possibly purchase them for sale in the store. We currently have about eight people we do this with.
  • Front of the Store Vending – If you would like to work this out with us e are open to this option also, we did it last year during the Farmers Market pretty successfully.

We have been open any idea and have yet to turn away an idea. So if you want to do it we can probably work something out so you can get it done. You can contact us by email,, phone 203-301-4097, stop in to Bohemian High.

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