Have you ever wondered how to smudge with sage to purify your space and promote positive energy? Sage smudging is a wonderful ritual that has been used by various cultures for centuries. At Bohemian High, we’re here to guide you through the process! 🔮🏡

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies
- Sage bundle (white sage or any sage variety)
- Heat-resistant container (like an abalone shell)
- Matches or a lighter
- Feather or a fan (optional)
Step 2: Prepare Your Space
Choose a room or area you’d like to cleanse. Open windows and doors to allow negative energy to exit. Clear clutter to create a clean slate.
Step 3: Light the Sage
Hold the sage bundle by the stem and light the tip. Allow it to burn for a moment, then gently blow out the flame, leaving the embers to smolder.
Step 4: Begin Smudging
Start at the entrance of the room and move clockwise. Use the feather or your hand to waft the smoke around. Focus on corners, doorways, and areas with stagnant energy. As you move, visualize the smoke purifying and cleansing the space.
Step 5: Set Intentions
While smudging, set positive intentions for your space. This could be for peace, clarity, or love. Speak your intentions aloud or silently in your mind.
Step 6: Extinguish the Sage
Once you’ve smudged the entire space, gently press the burning end of the sage bundle into your heat-resistant container to extinguish it. Ensure it’s completely out before leaving the room.
Step 7: Express Gratitude
Thank the sage for its cleansing properties and the positive energy it has brought into your space.
Step 8: Close Your Space
Close windows and doors to seal in the positive energy. Your space is now cleansed and ready for a fresh start!
Remember, sage smudging is a personal and meaningful practice. Feel free to adapt it to suit your preferences and intentions. 🙏✨
SageSmudging #PositiveEnergy #CleansingRitual #BohemianHigh